mánudagur, ágúst 16, 2004

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Stupid internet connection and a great road trip

Today is August 16th, which means that Páll (my aunt's husband) and Auður, my cousin in Canada had birthdays yesterday. Unfortunately, I was unable to log on to the internet yesterday to post birthday greetings...the internet connection is all f**ked up, also, we came home pretty late from our weekend trip. However, I want to say Happy birthday to Páll and Auður!!!!Chillen

We went to Yosemite National Park last Saturday, where we drove up to more than 3000 meters above sea level (more than 9000 ft.) and where the view was craaaazy awesome. Then late in the afternoon we drove north to find a motel to stay for the night, but we were planning on going to Lake Tahoe the day after (which is over 3 hour drive north from Yosemite)...there was absolutely no vacancy...anywhere...even little shitty motels were full...we ended up staying the night in Reno which is an hour further than we had planned. On Sunday we drove around Lake Tahoe...huge lake...very nice...I will upload some pictures very soon...they will say more than thousand words!!!!


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